길드 단위 전투 로그
60초 후에 자동 새로고침됩니다.

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bandit I The Flying Dutchman I Kor Zombie ANGRY
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선택 발생일자
전투에 참여한 길드 (guilds) 총페임
플레이어 수
킬 수
2025-03-14 21:53:02 12:53 UTC Corruptions, snow forest, Rose Garden 284.9k 8 3
2025-03-14 21:52:49 12:52 UTC Last Rise, Eclipse Order 207.5k 7 3
2025-03-14 21:52:30 12:52 UTC Old Chiken Headquarters, Typhon, GG BOND, NIU MO CAO NI MA, Sunset, Zhua chicken, Meow Immortal, JX Pavilion 119.7k 13 4
2025-03-14 21:52:23 12:52 UTC Castle Black, The Boyz, Black Order 143.4k 10 4
2025-03-14 21:52:04 12:52 UTC The swallow, bybb, nanjingdapaidang, Farm Or Die, Coup de grace, The Paladins, ReBorn, ZzoAozZ 280k 11 4
2025-03-14 21:50:48 12:50 UTC Teddyyy Bear, AE Bu Liem 47.5k 11 4
2025-03-14 21:50:12 12:50 UTC Hache Courte, red king, snow forest, All Wicked 702.5k 8 3
2025-03-14 21:50:08 12:50 UTC Real Man, GNPS, Relation, Crucial, Initial Engage, Loot and Run, VIKINGS PHILIPPINES 2025 548.6k 9 3
2025-03-14 21:49:53 12:49 UTC V A G A B O N D, Guard 1.9m 25 6
2025-03-14 21:49:40 12:49 UTC Blue house, Gourmet Guild 2.1m 30 14
2025-03-14 21:49:20 12:49 UTC Yugto, PSC, Dang Xiao 2.1m 43 9
2025-03-14 21:49:08 12:49 UTC S T R A N G L E, Made ln Heaven, COALITION, 4396, TONPA GANG, Starry Knights, cat and rat, MAYARI, Ans 2.7m 51 8
2025-03-14 21:48:58 12:48 UTC Peony Flower, Search Party, Another, Wing of Liberty, The Crew 2.2m 28 8
2025-03-14 21:48:46 12:48 UTC BloodSword, Bretonnia, DlSBAND, 21_Rising_Warrior_22 501k 5 3
2025-03-14 21:48:38 12:48 UTC text, QuQnnTATnnOvO, Husky Empire 353.5k 11 5
2025-03-14 21:48:34 12:48 UTC PALC, Clover Indonesia, Nyork-Keys, DV Albion 179.5k 13 6
2025-03-14 21:48:20 12:48 UTC Blue house, Kingdom, Farm Or Die 102.2k 5 3
2025-03-14 21:47:23 12:47 UTC L O C U S T, O P I U M, Wishing Star, Pioneer 1.7m 15 9
2025-03-14 21:47:08 12:47 UTC Weekend Players, E L Y S I U M, SABBATH CREW, Crimson Edge, IMBA 135.5k 5 3
2025-03-14 21:46:59 12:46 UTC Old Singularity, COOKED NIKKAS 8.3m 29 8

정보 요청중..